Wednesday 14 April 2021

Stop Wasting So Much Energy Through Your Windows!

Even if you do what you can to conserve energy in your house, you may still be losing money through your windows. Learn what you can do to stop the energy loss with window treatments now: 

If you’re looking for a complete selection of energy-efficient window treatments, we can help. Visit our showroom or give us a call today, and we can do a complete in-home consultation to help you select the ideal energy-efficient options to meet the needs of your home. Not only will you notice a real difference in your energy bills, and you’ll also feel great about your conservation efforts too!

#windowtreatments #HunterDouglas #Scottsdale #shades


Tuesday 13 April 2021

What You Need to Know About Home Office Window Treatments

If your home office has become the space where you spend most of your time, it may be time to consider how your window treatments are affecting your space. Learn more about home office window treatments: 

Ready to upgrade your home office window treatments? We can help. With a complete selection of light-diffusing shades, light-blocking shades, and many customized options that will change how you see your space, Gallery of Shades is the one place to turn right now. To learn more about how we can help, contact us today.

#homeoffice #shades #windowtreatments #GalleryofShades #Scottsdale
